Higher School of Business KFU held the final module of MBA Management in Healthcare programme. Module ended a two-day practical course on entrepreneurship in the field of healthcare. For these purposes, Higher School of Business has invited the lecturer of MBA programmes at the University of Edinburgh (UK), CEO of biotechnology company, head of the program for the development of cooperation between universities and healthcare organisations in Edinburgh – Olga Kozlova.
Along with a group of students this course was attended by the Minister of healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan Adel Vafin.
Students worked as groups to create new healthcare projects, studied the tools of internal and external business in the areas of healthcare, got acquainted with the best European practices in the field of innovative projects.
Students are defending their qualification projects soon. The Minister of healthcare of RT A. Vafin is a graduate of MBA programme 2010 - praised the value of this MBA programme to prepare new generation of management in healthcare. Adel Vafin wished students to prepare and defend their projects, using all new managerial tools acquired in the course of the training program. The Minister focused students on the further implementation of MBA management in healthcare projects in the practice of healthcare.
Higher School of Business also wished students to successfully defend their projects.
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Published on 20.01.2018